An excellent worship leader is continually evaluating themselves and their team. The devotions in Shaping Worship by Steve Baney are designed to shape the heart, passion, and skill of the worship leader, band, and choir. In addition to this excellent book, we recommend a tool for measuring your worship ministry's health called the Worship Leader Assessment.
What makes a good worship leader, worship band, or worship choir?
We've identified ten areas of healthy worship leading. The book teaches about each area of healthy worship leading. And the Assessment examines the participants in each area, which you can read about here.
What is the Worship Leader Assessment?
The Worship Leader Assessment is a retired online tool used to measure the health and growth of worship leaders and worship teams. It is no longer available. It involves a series of statements to which participants respond, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses in ten areas of worship leading. By understanding areas of needed growth, worship leaders and worship teams can implement strategies to take the quality of their ministry to the next level. This honors God and serves his people.
Who is the Worship Leader Assessment for?
The Worship Leader Assessment is no longer available. When it was available, it was for individuals and teams who lead worship. Individual participants can use the Assessment to identify areas of needed growth and to track their progress over time. Worship Team Leaders can use the Assessment with their entire team to identify strategies for growth, encourage team members, and reflect on their personal leadership needs.
Who created the Worship Leader Assessment?
The Worship Leader Assessment was created by Pastor Steve Baney, PhD. Steve has a Bachelor of Arts with honors in Pastoral Ministry with a concentration in Computer Science from Mount Vernon Nazarene University (Ohio), a Master of Divnity with high honors from Ashland Theological Seminary (Ohio), and a PhD in missiology with highest honors from Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne, IN). Steve is an experienced pastor, worship leader, song writer, and author. Steve's music is used in churches around the world. Currently, Steve lives with his family in northwestern Ohio where serves as Senior Pastor of Wauseon Community Church.
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